
Lot 84 / 5 Retreat Close, Old Bar NSW 2430

896 m²


Lot 84 / 5 Retreat Close, Old Bar NSW 2430

896 m²

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Your New Lifestyle Awaits!

Your New Lifestyle Awaits!

Build your dream on this 603.3sqm lot!

Riverside Estate in Old Bar now offer some fantastic building blocks in stages 4, 5 and 6. With stages 1, 2 and 3 basically sold out, it’s easy to see why people want to live here.

If you like the idea of life in a relaxed and friendly coastal village atmosphere, then Riverside Estate may be for you. Only an approximate 2-3 minute drive from the bowling club, doctors, shops and the uncrowded swimming and surfing beach at Old Bar.

The lifestyle on offer in this centrally located land release is superb. These fully serviced blocks range in size from an easy care 535.5sqm to an incredible 1,152sqm, some overlooking the public parkland reserve and others high on the hill.

Stage 4 expected to register June 2021, with stages 5 and 6 to follow late 2021… Get in quick to secure your block with all settlements subject to registration.

Please note: Registration expected mid to late 2021, prices are subject to change without notice and availability may vary due to other interest.


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